Early Orthodontic Evaluation
Are There Any Benefits to an Early Orthodontic Evaluation for My Child?
Yes. An early orthodontic evaluation can lead to early intervention for any problems that may exist or be developing. It is important for children to receive this evaluation to help guide treatment in the future and plan for treatment too. Your child can enjoy a beautiful smile and good overall dental health. When your child is seven, we will look at your child’s occlusion or bite to see if a full evaluation by an orthodontist is needed.

Eco Dental NY
What Problems Does Early Treatment Correct?
Quite a few actually. Treatment can create more room for teeth to grow into your child’s mouth and prevent overcrowding issues. Treatment can also prevent and correct teeth that may stick out too far and prevent injury to those teeth. It can also prevent tooth extractions from being needed in the future and may eliminate the need for treatment later on in life or reduce the time-frame to wear braces.
Crooked Teeth: Do They Matter?
We live in a society where value is placed on each person’s smile, which means that orthodontic treatment can provide your child with the best smile possible. Treatment will eliminate crooked teeth and allow your child to feel better about their smile and freely smile in public without the worry of embarrassment. Straight teeth are not only just about looks either, they are healthier. In fact, crooked teeth can be difficult to clean and floss properly, which may lead to tooth decay.
Proper oral hygiene is crucial for your child’s smile and good oral health with protect them from gum disease and other oral problems in the future. Studies have indicated that there are links between poor dental health and poor general health. Set your child up to have a beautiful smile they can be proud of in the future.
Call Eco Dental NY today to discuss treatment options for crooked teeth.