Dental emergencies occur without any forewarning. Many times, we know when something is about to happen, and so get prepared for it. As you know too well, a problem from a single tooth can spoil your entire day; even make you miss an important meeting.
Dental emergencies are more common in seniors than teens and young adults.
Knowing about most common dental emergencies that occur at night can give you a huge advantage whenever they arise.
Losing a Filling or Crown
A significant percentage of individuals have at least one crown, or filling fitted in their mouth. These restorative tools get worn down as you go around with your normal routine. In case you realize that your crown or filling has become loose and fallen out, you should call your dentist as soon as possible.
Losing a crown indicates that you have a cavity forming underneath the tooth, or in your mouth. Whenever you lose a crown, it also means that your nerve endings and blood vessels within the teeth’s root have become exposed, and you may begin to experience sensitivity very soon.
When this happens, ensure you rinse your oral cavity with warm water, then use cotton wool to plug into the cavity as you plan to see one of the best Brooklyn dentists fast.
Prolonged Toothache
Toothache is a way through which your body tells you that something isn’t right. It is a sure indication that there is something wrong in the place where pain is emanating from. This could be an infection in the gums or as a result of a tooth abscess, tooth decay, exposed roots, and much more.
When a toothache arises, it is wise to wash the mouth with warm water, and then place a cold compress on the tooth for a while. Remove the cloth to allow the jaw to warm up again. Do this repeatedly till the ache disappears.
Don’t apply any medication directly on the area with the ache because then you may inflame the gums leading to more problems.
Broken Teeth
This one should be taken seriously. In the event that one or more of your teeth breaks or gets chipped, you ought to make it a property to visit a specialist. The dental specialist will evaluate your situation and recommend a procedure to handle the problem.
Broken teeth can be very annoying. As much as the condition is not life-threatening, the tooth can cause a lot of discomforts. If it is just a small chip, then you need to be scared of nothing. In case it is major, you should plan to see the dentist immediately before it compromises the function of adjacent teeth.
Losing a Tooth
We have seen sportspeople lose teeth during impact. Well, if you are keen, you will see medical teams rushing to their side because this is considered an emergency.
If you lose a tooth due to an impact, the first thing you need to do is to protect the tooth. Locate it and put it in a container filled with salty water or milk. Try and get to a dentist within the hour, and your teeth might be saved.
Trauma to the Jaw
If you fall and lose teeth as an adult, you need to call the dentist immediately. This emergency is a candidate for the emergency room. On the way to the ER, make sure you call the dentist and tell them what happened so that they prepare in advance.
Dental Infections
Dental infections are common, and they aren’t going away anytime soon. If you feel you have an infection, call the dental clinic immediately. As you wait for your appointment, take some pain medication to minimize the pain.
Tooth Sensitivity
Extreme sensitivity of the teeth needs examination by a dentist immediately. The moment you experience sensitivity, know that your nerve roots have either been exposed or are being stimulated by changes in temperature.
Mouth Sores
A mouth sore is an indication of gum disease. If you notice the sore doesn’t go away even with treatment, then you must to contact a dentist to book an urgent appointment.
Final Emergency: Bleeding in the Mouth
If you notice blood when you brush or floss your teeth, consult Brooklyn dentists immediately. The dentist needs to examine the source of the blood to prevent any further problems. Bleeding that doesn’t stop after an oral emergency isn’t something to be joked with.